the Jawatan Kosong PHARMACY SDN. BHD KUALA LUMPUR real or not fake?
To check whether the vacancies offered by PHARMACY SDN. BHD KUALA LUMPUR are honest (not fraudulent), here are some tips:
- Make sure that PHARMACY SDN. BHD KUALA LUMPUR is one of the most trusted and credible companies. Please check from Google's search results whether the company is truly genuine (not fictitious). Also check responses from users or employees of PHARMACY SDN. BHD KUALA LUMPUR.
- Be careful with companies that only use public / free email addresses (such as @gmail or or SMS (including telegram or whatsapp applications) as communication media. The company will be more convincing if it has its own office telephone or email address of the company's web domain, for example, and like that
- If you are asked for money for any reason, you should not mind the vacancy. Some of the reasons often used are uniform costs, training costs (training), stamp replacement costs, and paying for forms / letters of agreement.
- Make sure that the vacancy you are targeting matches the title of this vacancy, which is Jawatan Kosong PHARMACY SDN. BHD KUALA LUMPUR. Make sure you are not offered a suspicious investment business or become an obscure MLM member.
- It should be noted that if the opening of a vacancy is not a large company such as an individual or a small cv, then you can ignore the tips above.
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